How to Create Facebook Cover Photos

Most graphic designers don’t start from scratch. Very few graphic designers tend to start from scratch when they set out on their quest to design something, what tends to happen is that they have a browse around the internet to see what other people have created first to influence them before engaging in the design process.
Whether you’re an amateur or a skilled professional, it’s likely that when you engage in Facebook cover design you’re going to be influenced by the art work that you've previously seen or have previously designed yourself.
Consider using a cover template rather than just being influenced. But what if influence isn’t enough for the time or ability that you have on hand to create a cover? Then you should consider creating a cover for your Facebook using a template.

Make your own Facebook cover photos using a template

Facebook cover maker software utility is provided by provided by Make a Cover for Facebook which in effect uses template concepts to assist users in their design process.
The template infrastructure provided by Make a Cover for Facebook is somewhat remonstrant of what used to be provided as a method by which to create a websites for free using a “builder” app. Whilst it may appear disappointing to suggestions that this Facebook cover making utility could be associated with dated webpage building software, this free Facebook cover maker is implemented fairly well for all intense and purposes.
When you visit the website of Make a Cover for Facebook you are lead into their app that provides a default Facebook cover arrangement of a character that you are invited to modify. So, in effect you are provided a ready-made template to modify. The cover modifications that you have available at your fingertips are fairly numerous, however I do like the way that when you click an accessory or facial pattern it is automatically applied and you don’t have to painstakingly place it into position.
You in effect make up your own Facebook cover by continuously updating the pre-defined template with your preferences as to how your cover should appear. So for example, if you select the penguin character as the basis of your Facebook cover – and you don’t like the hat, clothing or facial features – you can change each one in turn.
Something that I do appreciate is that this free Facebook cover maker doesn’t utilize Adobe Flash; I have similar sentiments to Apple here in that I find that Flash crashes my computer and isn’t the best.
Instead, this Facebook Cover Maker app users HTML 5 technology to implement its offering which is much faster, however you may need to upgrade your web-browser in order to use this tool.


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